Bathymetry of southern Rio Grande do Sul continental shelf

Anchoita Cruises

The data was available by the Hydroacoustic Laboratory (Furg, Stefa & Pinho)

Erasing the extrapolated points outside the sampled area!

Digitizing the boundaries! The polygon that contains the data!

1) We need to create a polygon to delimit the area! We can use the 'ginput'... it's a little bit tricky!

a) activate the external plotting with '%matplotlib qt'
b) enable the 'plt.ginput' to capture points! setup it accordingly!
c) the points will be stored as tuples!
d) if you succeed, save the captured points (pickle) de deactivate the 'qt' to back to work 'on line'
e) this is better made in separated notebook to avoid confusion... if you forget to de-activate the qt and ginput, the notebook will freeze until you use the ginput!