Extracting a base map from Qgis' XYZ Tiles and use in Jupyter


1) Select the XYZ and the part of the World you want


2) Right click on the layer --> Export --> Save As (it will open window)


3) Select: Check: 'Rendered Image'
Uncheck: 'Create VRT'
Choose directory and name (with .tif)
Select the CRS 'Project CRS: EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 (you must have done for set the project to show the longitude/latitude in the project settings)
Click 'Map Canvas Extend' (easier, or select the appropriate coordinates...)
Choose the resolution, in this case, 'degrees'
Than... OK! A new layer will appear in the project and the file will be save on the destination!


In Jupyter

To plot something on the base map!