import os
from dateutil.parser import parse
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
ctd_path = r'd:\GUTO\1_Trabs\1_Aestus\Cananeia\Curso_201812\CTD_longitudinal\csv\\'
fdir = os.listdir(ctd_path)
with open(ctd_path + fdir[0]) as io:
lines =
trigger = 0
data = []
for i, li in enumerate(lines):
if 'StartTime' in li:
liq = li.split('=')
time = parse(liq[1])
if 'Depth [m],Temp. [deg C]' in li:
header = li.split(',')
trigger = 1
if trigger == 1:
liq = li.split(',')
li_data = [np.float64(x) for x in liq[:-1]]
data = np.array(data)
(80, 13)
def JFE_Rinko_SDlogger_Depth(lines):
trigger = 0
data = []
for i, li in enumerate(lines):
if 'StartTime' in li:
liq = li.split('=')
time = parse(liq[1])
if 'Depth [m],Temp. [deg C]' in li:
header = li.split(',')
trigger = 1
if trigger == 1:
liq = li.split(',')
li_data = [np.float64(x) for x in liq[:-1]]
data = np.array(data[:-3]) # eliminates the last 0.3 m!
return time, header, data
g_time = []
g_data = []
g_depth = []
for f in fdir:
with open(ctd_path + f) as io:
lines =
time, header, data = JFE_Rinko_SDlogger_Depth(lines)
g_depth.append(np.max(data[:,0])) # get the depth of the profile
for i, h in enumerate(header):
print(i, h)
0 Depth [m] 1 Temp. [deg C] 2 Sal. [ ] 3 Cond. [mS/cm] 4 EC25 [uS/cm] 5 Density [kg/m^3] 6 SigmaT [ ] 7 Chl-Flu. [ppb] 8 Chl-a [ug/l] 9 Turb-M [FTU] 10 DO [%] 11 DO [mg/l] 12 Batt. [V] 13
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x285bab26d30>]
# junta = [g_time, header, data]
# with open('CTD_Cananeia_longitudinal.pkl', 'wb') as io:
# pickle.dump(junta, io)
During the survey we marked the points of every cast, but forgot some... so here I just interpolate to make it easier...
with open('GPS_cananeia.pkl', 'rb') as io:
gps = pickle.load(io)
gps_time = gps[:,0] - datetime.timedelta(hours=3)
longitude = gps[:,1]
latitude = gps[:,2]
gps_time_n = mdates.date2num(gps_time)
ctd_time = np.array(g_time)
ctd_time_n = mdates.date2num(ctd_time)
longitude = np.array(longitude, dtype='float64')
latitude = np.array(latitude, dtype='float64')
loni = np.interp(ctd_time_n, gps_time_n, longitude)
lati = np.interp(ctd_time_n, gps_time_n, latitude)
print(len(ctd_time), len(gps_time_n))
36 49
plt.plot(longitude, latitude, '.')
plt.plot(loni, lati, '.')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x285bcc0ce80>]
# to be used in Qgis
# lonlat = np.hstack((
# np.atleast_2d(loni).T,
# np.atleast_2d(lati).T
# ))
# np.savetxt('Cananeia_estacoes_longitudinal.txt', lonlat, delimiter=',')
# this was stupid! Best doing:
# LonLat = np.vstack((Loni, Lati)).T # living and learning...
1 degree = 111.12 km!
dif_dist = (np.diff(loni)**2 + np.diff(lati)**2)**.5 * 111.12
dist = np.cumsum(dif_dist)
# to start at 0, and have the same N of depths!
dist = np.insert(dist, 0, 0)
x = []
joint = []
for i, d in enumerate(g_data):
x = x + np.linspace(dist[i], dist[i], len(d)).tolist()
joint = joint + d.tolist()
joint = np.array(joint)
x = np.array(x)
plt.plot(x, -joint[:,0])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x285bcc6c9d0>]
mask_x = np.copy(dist)
mask_z = -np.array(g_depth)
maxz = -12.5
# to close the polygon
comp_x = np.array([np.max(x), np.min(x), np.min(x)])
comp_z = np.array([maxz, maxz, mask_z[0]])
mask_x = np.concatenate((mask_x, comp_x))
mask_z = np.concatenate((mask_z, comp_z))
plt.plot(mask_x, mask_z)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x285bcd499d0>]
points = np.hstack((
np.atleast_2d(joint[:,0]).T * -1
xi = np.linspace(np.min(dist), np.max(dist), 100)
zi = np.linspace(-13, -0.5, 50)
xx, zz = np.meshgrid(xi, zi)
sal_i = griddata(points, joint[:,2], (xx, zz), method='linear' )
temp_i = griddata(points, joint[:,1], (xx, zz), method='linear')
turb_i = griddata(points, joint[:,9], (xx, zz), method='linear')
clor_i = griddata(points, joint[:,8], (xx, zz), method='linear')
ox_i = griddata(points, joint[:,10], (xx, zz), method='linear')
dists = [sal_i, temp_i, np.log(turb_i), np.log(clor_i), ox_i]
cb=plt.contourf(xi, zi, sal_i, cmap='rainbow')
plt.fill(mask_x, mask_z, color=[.8,.8,.8])
plt.ylim(-12.5, 0)
plt.ylabel('Depth (m)')
plt.xlabel('Distance (km)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Distance (km)')
Create the final figura, but this time I create the axes in a loop... much cleaner way!
variables = ['(a) Salinity (g/kg)', '(b) Temperature ($^oC$)', '(c) Turbidity (FTU)', '(d) Chlorophyll ($\mu g/L$)', '(e) Dissolved Oxygen (%)']
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,9))
# axis positions
px = .1
py = .8
dx = .8
dy = .18
dint = .02
# colorbar positions
pxcb = px + dx + 0.01
dxcb = 0.01
fc = .02 # to reduce it a little
axs = []
cbaxs = []
for i in range(5):
# create the axes
fig.add_axes( [px, py-(dy+dint)*i, dx, dy] )
# create the colorbar axes
fig.add_axes( [pxcb, py-(dy+dint)*i+fc, dxcb, dy-fc*2] )
cb = axs[i].contourf(xi, zi, dists[i], cmap='rainbow')
axs[i].fill(mask_x, mask_y, color=[.8,.8,.8])
cbar = plt.colorbar(cb, cax=cbaxs[i])
axs[i].set_ylabel('Depth (m)')
axs[i].set_ylim(-12.5, 0)
axs[i].text(1, -12, variables[i])
if i < 4:
if i == 4:
axs[i].set_xlabel('Distance (km)')