
This notebooks are not tutorials... rather are pratical examples about how to do certains things

Some notebooks are target for beginners...


# Notebook 'theme' What it does... Figure
1 'Grib' files from WaveWatch3 Retrieves a time series of wind [time, u, v] from the reanalysis model WW3
2 'NetCDF' from ERA5 Retrieves a time series of wave [time, height, period, direction] from the reanalysis by ERA5
3 Copernicus MOTU Client API Uses API for download data (Wind) from Copernicus using 'MOTU Client'
4 Copernicus Wind XARRAY Deal with an '.nc' file from CMEMS with XARRAY, and retrieves a time series
5 'expver' problem! Download data from CMEMS and deal with the 'expver' problem!
6 FFT Espectrogram Generates a wave signal and its spectrogram
6b FFT Espectrogram Spectrogram with real data! Currents and water level.
7 Richardson Number / Law of the wall Excercise to calculate the Richardson Number, creating vertical profiles of velocity and density
8 Figure with multiple axes set manually How to do a figure with multiple axes manually setting their positions
9 Figure with multiple AXES set in a loop About the same of the above, however in a smarter way!
10 TS Diagram TS Diagram with side/top histograms
11 Base map from QGIS xyz-tiles How to produce a geotiff in QGIS from xyz-tiles and use in Jupyter
12 Bathymetry map Bathymetric data processing and generating a map (using Shapely.geometry)
13 Moored ADCP data processing Data processing ADCP data recorded from a mooring (Nortek Aquadopp)
14 Vessel mounted ADCP data processing Data processing ADCP data recorded from a moving vessel survey (cross-section)
15 Filling gaps Find, size and fill small gaps in a time series
16 Complex Demodulation / Hilbert Transform Extract a time series of tidal amplitude from a sealevel time series
17 Hidroweb Data Processing Produces the flow climatology based on Hidroweb data base (for the Patos Lagoon)
17 Linear Regression Linear Regression with a pretty plot! :-)